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With infection covering nearly 100% of her body, she was often stuck to sheets and pillowcases. After 30 months and 10 doctors, she found herself sitting at the back of a church that believed in Miracles! She was a practicing black-magic witch and suicidal-drug addict when God heard her prayer.

Ordained by the late John Osteen, Lakewood Church in Houston, Tx., in the early 90's, Sandra Cerda has overcome multiple Sexual Assaults as a child, teen and young adult, severe Drug and Alcohol Addiction, murderous Domestic Violence, black magic Witchcraft, Major Depression, Suicide and more, surviving a medical death sentence which gave her only months to live... over 30 years ago!

Former Spokes/Fashion and Commercial Print Model, Published Author, Sandra Cerda's story has been broadcast over the years, through Daystar, TBN, 700 Club and Heart to Heart interviewers Joni Lamb, Spiritual Mother Dodie Osteen and Sheila Walsh with special reference highlighted in Mrs. Walsh's book, Life is Tough but God is Faithful (available at Her non-profit provides Fiscal Sponsorship for Film, Music, Publishing and the Arts.

Sandra is actively seeking Partners for her current work on the Mary Magdalene Film Project and for her own life's story. Healed and whole today, a Prophetic Spiritual Warfare Minister, Dream Interpreter, Author, Publisher, Public Speaker, Editor in Chief, she moves in the Five-Fold Gifts. The miracle, healing power of God works through her life, touching and liberating people where she speaks. She leads the Texas Crusades through The Gathering of Warriors events.


Sandra's testimony is on Amazon. See her Author Page here.

See, www.MaryMagdalene.Film Email to


   I will never forget the day, the moment or place where I first received my physical healing.  I had been given six months to live.  Had run out of doctors, with a final referral to the University of Texas Health Science Center. 



   I had been tested for every known blood disease including HIV twice, because of my lifestyle; nearly 100% of my body and scalp were covered, infected and "on fire with pain; I was raw and bleeding everywhere. My hair was falling out in "balls".   I couldn't bare any light touch to any part of my body or face.  Morning after morning, I would wake up stuck to pillowcases and sheets... Showers, baths, light, touch, carpet fibers, were all too painful.  For almost three years I lived enclosed and in fiery pain.  I was completely raw, for thirty months.


The smell of death was all over me.


   I ended up at a church that believed in the MIRACLE WORKING POWER OF GOD, and the unbreakable promises found in the Scriptures, concerning health and healing.  I had always gone to church, but was never taught about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ,
as personal Savior & Lord.  This was different.


   After suffering for 30 months, In less than four weeks I was completely and supernaturally, overwhelmingly healed and restored, but not without a fight.  I learned the power of the spoken word of God, faith and spiritual warfare and have maintained my healing to this day.  This was 30+ years ago during my pregnancy with my youngest son.  I share about this in my book, INCEST: The Curse of Destruction...Reversed"

and the broken foundation my childhood suffered.

    God and His Word REMAIN unchanged!  What God has done for me, for my family, He is well-able and more-than-willing to do for you!  That's Good-News! Tap into the Healing Power of God today,
and contact me; I would love to hear from you. ~ Sandra 


Praise be my LORD my Rock, who trains my hands
for war, my fingers for battle.  
Psalm 144:1


   The miracle, healing power of  God continues to flow through the life of Sandra Cerda.  Countless people of all ages have been liberated from strongholds of demonic influence and healed by the power of God of sickness and diseases.



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Commissioned Custom Pencil-Sketched Art fill the pages of the book,
Mary Magdalene: A Historic Novel
the wonderful life's story of one of Scriptures most intriguing, mysterious women healed by Jesus,
Mary Magdalene.  

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 Mary Magdalene Collection!

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Proud Sponsor of

The Tony Santos Memorial

Vietnam Veteran, Purple Heart Recipient

Sandra Cerda's father passed away June 2020.


This Memorial is established to honor him.

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